
舊公寓整修[美國直購] Satechi 金灰銀三色 磁吸式 立架 Aluminum Universal Magnet Mount for iPhone 6/6S Plus, Galaxy S6 Edge

每日一物推薦: 最近工作時在繁重,連去逛街的機會都沒有


像最近剛買的 [美國直購] Satechi 金灰銀三色 磁吸式 立架 Aluminum Universal Magnet Mount for iPhone 6/6S Plus, Galaxy S6 Edge 真的超好用的!!

而且還不用自己開車去搬#GOODS_NAME# ,對於沒有車的朋友們真的是一大福音

下面就是關於[美國直購] Satechi 金灰銀三色 磁吸式 立架 Aluminum Universal Magnet Mount for iPhone 6/6S Plus, Galaxy S6 Edge 的介紹

而且偷偷告訴妳喔!! 這#GOODS_NAME# 只有在樂天市場販售 其他地方可是找不到的

因此要買[美國直購] Satechi 金灰銀三色 磁吸式 立架 Aluminum Universal Magnet Mount for iPhone 6/6S Plus, Galaxy S6 Edge 可要快 否則沒貨了可就虧大了

[美國直購] Satechi 金灰銀三色 磁吸式 立架 Aluminum Universal Magnet Mount for iPhone 6/6S Plus, Galaxy S6 Edge

[美國直購] Satechi 金灰銀三色 磁吸式 立架 Aluminum Universal Magnet Mount for iPhone 6/6S Plus, Galaxy S6 Edge


Heavy-duty magnetic mount - allows a permanent method of securely mounting any smartphone or device to a refrigerator, wall, or more

Magnetic pad with strong adhesive- securely fastens to the inside of your phone case or outside of your phone

Sleek, aluminum design - compact and sleek desing will fit in with any environment and features an aluminum finish

Easy installation - doesn't require tools to mo套房裝潢設計unt your smartphone front and center where it can be easily viewed and reached


The Satechi Magnet Mount is a sturdy, sleek, magnetic holding device focused on convenience. Simply place the included magnet pad to the inside of your phone's case and attach the magnetic sticker to almost any surface

The strength of the magnet will ensure your device stays secure while offering you visible and convenient access to your phone.


The Magnet Mount attaches to almost any surface and comes in three luxurious colors: Space Grey, Gold, and Silver.




    創作者 tbadhnfkpc 的頭像


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